Anyways, in our local news a fire also has started, sort of. If you'll know October 29 is the the Barangay election. Local or barangay election is unique. Not like national, provincial or the municipal level where fight focuses on a party versus another party, in Barangay level this is more of a personal a family versus another family fight. And this time in Albor Libjo the one running in both parties for Barangay captain belongs to the same family. Although they are of different last names now, but they really is based on the same family roots and depend of same votes. Splitting the family.
Family is the very basic level when it comes to social, political, health, education in the Philippines. If you create trouble at that level then you will see the consequence. Sources said money (vote buying) again will play a big role in this campaign. Well, I'm not sure family ties can be broken with money. We will just wait for the result.
So who then set the fire? Someone should have started and comes with the idea. And if someone does is he must be an expert in doing this and he has some purpose.